The railways say they have started work to bridge the gap, but the pace is so slow that it has now become a life-threatening problem. It is mostly a problem for senior citizens, who face difficulties while boarding a train at such an ' elevated level'. ...... Tanmay Balgi (21) will host strangers from Mulund to Rabale, prompted by the memory of rigged meters and refusals to ply. ?Several fans want this to be a monthly campaign but I could do it every day,? he says. ...
At noon I was able to collect grass by hand from the yard of the hotel lady. She would not let me bring Max to her yard, though. So a couple boys, including the lad from yesterday, helped out - but not much. ...
Sydney Harbour Bridge. I can't tell you just how afraid of heights I am. I get such vertigo, it's brutal. I look up at tall buildings and want to fall over. I have trouble putting Christmas lights on my house. Hell? ...